The Powerful Impact of a Women's Influence

As women, we have the amazing opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of children, especially young girls in foster programs. While we all want to make a difference you may be wondering more about foster care and how we can make a difference. That’s totally understandable, it’s a topic that’s not often brought up amongst friends or colleagues in casual conversation. But there is a real need for our influence and blessings in the foster care community. We have such a powerful platform and opportunity to give back to communities that have supported us and our husbands on and off the field. 

We’re ready to make our impact, create our legacy, and follow our passion...JOIN US!

An important place to start is understanding the foster care system. Why is a child placed in foster care? When there are concerns about the safety of a child that are brought to the attention of the city, the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) will investigate the family. In general, the city’s policy is not to remove a child from a family, but to rather provide supportive services within the home that address any safety concerns and strengthen the family. However if the investigators feel that a child is in imminent danger, ACS may decide to place that child in foster care.

As this creates a unique situation for children, it also creates unique challenges for these young girls. While each foster care situation is different, they all have been handling a lot at a young age; whether it’s trauma, loss, grief, just a few among many of the unique experiences these young girls are trying to process. Prom Series was created to curate a special night in these young girls' lives where they get to be the STAR OF THE SHOW. A night for them to feel beautiful, worthy, and special, because they are!

When you are a part of Prom Series, you’re not just investing in a young girls night, you are investing in their future, and the future of women. 

These memories and feelings will live on long after the night is through. We want to inspire young girls and remind them that they are capable of anything. 

The most important thing we can do to make an impact is to be present. We are there to listen to their needs, to see them and help make them feel like their most authentic and fairy tale self all at the same time. To remind them that they are perfect, that there is no limit to what they can achieve, and more than anything, give them hope for their future. One day they could be helping at the Prom Series and giving young girls the same experience they were given. The experience that changed their life. We are women… empowering women!

If you feel like you have more to give to the world, more to give to young women, especially those in foster care, then the Prom Series is the perfect opportunity to make your mark. Helping young girls feel beautiful, strong, and loved is something they are looking for from mentors of women like yourself. Come help us create the night of their dreams, coming to a stadium near you!

“A woman alone has power. Women together have impact.” 

Elizabeth Moeller

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