Take Me Out to the Ball Game

“Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowd” 

Most of us have gotten to experience singing this mid game chant, doing the wave with the fellow fans, or ordering a giant thing of popcorn. These moments that we cherish, we may also take for granted. For some, those memories haven’t happened and may never if we don’t do our part to share our blessings. For most of us, attending baseball games, has become second nature, even so much to say a second home. 

With the Prom Series, for one night we get to invite young foster girls into our homes. We get to show them everything the game has to offer. We get to offer our wisdom and mentorship to help shape a better future for these young girls. We're not just there to show and teach them about the game, we're there to offer guidance and tools to approach the game of life, which in compassion can be approached similarly. 

There’s nothing quite like a hot summer night, cheering on your home team. The main goal of Prom Series is to ensure each foster girl feels worthy and loved by enhancing the event every young girl looks forward to by providing big league treatment. We believe that this experience will provide the opportunity for growth in confidence and self-worth with the ultimate pre-prom pampering event and access to mentors.

Part of the big league treatment is the experience of the game itself. For the night they get to be VIP. They get to experience the game from the best seat in the house, and highest luxury. While still getting to experience the classic baseball game treats like hot dogs, nachos, and ice cream. We know we are making a difference, because we see it written all over their face. It’s so rewarding to know that what we’re doing is making a difference, not only in these girls' nights, but in their life! 

Our goal is to instill pride, hope, and love into them, that it continues to radiate out of them, long after the night is through. We believe that mentoring young girls is pivotal in guiding them through the hardships of high school and development. We know that the experience of a baseball game is the perfect place to start. 

We have found that relating the game of baseball to the game of life makes for easy conversation with the young girls and the offering of our mentorship. Baseball is a game of successes and failures, of hard work, passion, dedication, highs and lows. The important thing is to keep playing, to not give up when you’re confronted with struggles. There is hope out there, and we hope to give a slice of that hope to these young girls on their special night. 

Are you ready to help be a leader and mentor in young girls' lives? 

“Leadership-- Is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure the impact lasts in your absence.” 

-- Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook

Elizabeth Moeller

Squarespace Website Design with a Service First Mindset

The mission of Bloom Creative Co is to create a platform any business can passionately use to best serve their world.

Inspire small businesses to grow past their potential by leveraging systems and tools to change the lives of every one of their customers.


The Powerful Impact of a Women's Influence


The Price of Prom